Friday, April 8, 2011

In the News (Canada)

                 So just the other day was the sentencing for this 23 yr.old girl from Canada, Ashley Kirilow, who shaved her head, waxed her eye-brows and pretended to have cancer, eventually scamming over $20,000 from kind, unsuspecting folk trying to help. Did she do it purely for the money? Did she do it because she desperately craved attention and sympathy from others? How many screws she had loose is hard to tell from the little I know. I saw the story on and it sorta got me thinking about Canada in general and it reminded me of how Canada is rarely involved in anything on a global scale. Rarely in the news. Whenever there is a war, Canada is either totally isolated or offers mere tokens of background support virtually out of sight--like in Iraq and Afghanistan.
                What news comes drifting down in big bleak clouds from Canada and sets the world on fire? What's Canada known for besides cold snow and ice?What do people in Ottawa do? Do they have Taco Bells in Calgary? Once when I was in a cathedral in Quebec City I was moved by how they hung small wooden ships from the ceiling inside above the pews as a way to pay reverence to the treacherous journey their kith and kin made across the north Atlantic. Where are the youth of Canada today? I have no idea. Wait, of course there's Arcade Fire and bunch of great music blooming in certain Canadian Cities.(They actually won a Grammy award this year.) Do they care about the Grammy Awards in Canada?
                Is anyone in Canada starting new software programs in spare bedrooms? Of course I know they have hockey (the NHL must be huge in Canada) and maple leaves and John Candy and Tom Green. Do they ever have any natural disasters? Do they have any seriel killers? I don't think so. Do they have an equivalent of P.T  Barnum? Montreal is a beautiful city in many ways. What else? I used to laugh my ass off reading this Canadian guys' website called dontshakethebaby. Anyways I'm sure Canada is filled with tales of adventure and romance, of high stakes action and inherent drama--But here in the U.S. we don't really ever hear about it. It's like Argentina or something. I say let's be better friends Canada because we already are friends. And we know you like to be left alone and that's ok too.You are not like this girl in the news at all--no way. The girl who pretended to have cancer in order to rip off a bunch of people was sentenced to 15 months of conditional detention with 10 of those months being on house arrest. She also has to do 100 hours of community service. I could think of a few jobs for her.

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