Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Further Adventures of Lewis and Clark

So, what'd you do today?
                  For Lewis and Clark and the rest of the group one spring day they came upon some Buffalo carcasses where Buffalo had tried to cross the frozen river in winter and drowned when they broke thru. Judging by the tracks near the carcasses, grizzly bears had been feeding off the mess. They hadn't encountered one yet but many tribes have told them about the dangers of the grizzly bear, how warriors never fight one unless with six or seven other men and even then one man usually dies. Lewis and Clark witnessed tribes preparing to go attack a Grizzly, how they went thru elaborate dancing and prayer rituals, 'superstitions' as Lewis called them.
                 Then a few days later they wander thru areas that had been hunted by local tribes to the extent where they couldn't find live game for half a week. That soon changed when Captain Lewis shot and killed a dear. For dinner they had venison steak and beaver tails. I had spaghetti with a hot spicy red sauce and Italian Bread in my apartment in Astoria. Two French Beaver Trappers hopped a ride for a bit. They cruised the Missouri River in the spring when the land was alive with the sounds of nature and Only nature. Think it was all fun and games? One of the men stole a little whiskey from the barreled rations and when the Captains found out, he got 75 lashes across his bare back.

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