Sunday, January 30, 2011

Chewbacca's Head at The Museum of the Moving Image

                                                        Yes, it's come to this. Recently I witnessed behind a glass show-case at The Museum of the Moving Image, the head of the one and only Chewbacca from Star Wars. That is to say, Star Wars 1977. It took me awhile but I started to dwell on this odd spectacle--this heroic figure to so many, enclosed by glass as though he were an artifact at the Smithsonian. I don't think it was until after I returned home that I thought to myself, "My beautiful mythological creature from childhood, what have they done to you?"
There's nothing in my childhood as nostalgic as Star Wars is for me. And please don't mix up Star Wars with Star Trek or I will have to kill you.
Before I left the Museum I took a picture of the decapitated good-guy, frozen in time, on my cell phone and sent it to my cousin back in Ohio who may love Star Wars more than I do. I guess it was kinda cool, right? (And the little placard at the base behind the glass read something about it containing 'Yak hair'.) Yak Hair?! No, that's Chewbacca's hair damn you unnameable villain!
Naw, I like the world better when we believed in the make believe and mysteries were preserved. There's just something wholly unnatural about seeing Chewbacca like this.
Having said that; I really had a good time at newly renovated (spaceship interiored) Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria, Queens and highly recomend it. In fact, give MoMA a break on Free Fridays, (the Pollacks do little for the young kids these days anyways.) Go instead to the Museum of the Moving Image and if the force is strong with you, use stealth and Jedi mind tricks and bust out Chewbacca so he can recieve a proper buriel in that place where he lives on forever in those first three sacraments of cinema.

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