Saturday, May 7, 2011

Weather Report

                           There's a gang of birds whistlin dixie or who knows what with their soft plumage warm. Sunlight is out over everything. Flowers bloom and burst and live out their colorful lives in this new spring season as an old Italian lady sweeps her steps and then the sidewalk in front of her house that doesn't look like houses in Ohio. The trees have their new green leaves and are perfectly content to soak up the sun. Here and then a little breeze dances past but you should know that there's an awful lot of concrete too.A plane soars in the pure blue sky. A squirrel scampers. At night asleep, he dreams of  forests.  Two people walk down the street conversing in a language I can't quite identify. Cars cruise by with their windows down. Temps in the low 60's but here comes a cloud or two to remind folks to wear something long sleeve, to remind us that we're never too far from something huge to fuck it all up.

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