Monday, May 2, 2011

What I Should Do

                            I could be fussing and still pissed at the fact that I was kicked out of the 'of montreal' show at Webster Hall on Saturday night because some lame guy was mad that I was bumping into him I guess and was trying to start shit with me even though it's supposed to be a let loose fun and dancy concert where physical contact in a fun non-violent way is the norm; which it was until this asshole guy couldn't just drop it so I grabbed his shirt--but then my roommate quickly separated us and everything seemed fine. Next thing I know some big security guard has made his way to the middle of the crowd and is non-chalantely asking me to follow him. Which to my detriment, I did. I followed him as he lead me outside, marked two big 86's in black magic marker on my hand and left me on the front sidewalk. Bastard.
                            I could be ruminating on last night's announcement that Osama Bin Laden had been killed by US Navy Seals in a night time raid just north of Islamabad, Pakistan. People were cheering in Times Square, Ground Zero, and in front of the White House but I'm not sure celebrating the death of any other human being is a cool thing to do. I mean I'm glad we got the man responsible for so many innocent deaths but c'mon. What's humanity after all? And my Father is still out of work and my Mother can't afford to pay her hospital bills.
I could continue reading David Mitchell's mysterious 'Cloud Atlas'.(I'm on page 157.)
I could take a hot bath with David Mitchell's 'Cloud Atlas' and rest my tired muscles and hope I never grow old while eating left over Easter candy--afterwards climb into bed-- and in the morning I could take the subway to ground zero by myself to spend several moments where I would be totally and utterly--- silent.

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