Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Todays Fun Fact

                 The U.S. gives $1.3 billion dollars in military aid to Egypt each year. The only other country we give more military aid to?  Israel. And they are merely the top tier of an all encompassing group of even more countries that we give exorbitant sums of tax-payer money to annually. Yet, since apparently the President himself agrees that we must cut the budget and initiate a series of actions to begin to bring down the overall deficit,(for political reasons I think) they chop away and what gets cut is the funding that allows the autistic teenager to get the community support he needs or the after school art program where economically disadvantaged kids are encouraged to keep diaries and take pictures of the world around them--what gets cut are the programs of the poor folk; the ones who can't find a job or are too fucked up mentally to work and be happy. This is no glittering generality. Though maybe its a bit oversimplification.
No, not really.

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