Friday, February 18, 2011

What Film Should I Go Out And See Tonight?

Not only is the cinema still a great place to hide from the world but it is a two hour mithridate if you can believe it. It is little exaggeration to say it is that sanctuary where we can escape the rigors and bonestrong grunt work and commercialism and guilt in our lives. And since I live in NYC, a typical cinephile has a multitude of theaters and museums and screenings to choose from.
So how do I, being the conscientious movie viewer that I am, choose wisely? Of course we can exclude the huge chain-theaters since 90% of what they offer is garbage. ( I mean c'mon.When in NYC, never go see something that you can just as easily see at some mall in Ohio!)
Film Forum is showing Godfather 1 and 2. (I have actually never sat down and watched those movies from beginning to end. I need to.)
Film Anthology is showing a Spanish documentary about an elderly woman who returns to her native village after many years away.(Doesn't exactly fire me up although I know that in general, what Film Anthology shows, is worth it.)
Then we need to find out what's at IFC Center, The Angelika, Landmark Sunshine, All of the numerous museums, Lincon Center Film Society, and beyond.
Time Out New York does a good job of printing all the various schedules of all the various theaters in the city.
Luckily my roomie has a subscription. Being a serious watcher of great films takes a lil prep work in this city but for my time and interests and because I usually don't have very much money-- it's worth it.

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