Thursday, February 3, 2011

Watching Images of Egyptian Uprising on YouTube worst thing I saw on a video obtained by the associated press or filmed by an associated press cameraman, showed a man apparently being shot from far away and collapsing and then other men rushing to him and carrying him off. Who knows if he died. By the looks of it, the man was shot and killed.
 Then there's the Anti-Mubarak protesters raging and chanting about ending the corrupt regime. There's people running every which way, yelling Arab slogans I couldn't understand. But there was also on youtube today, footage of Pro-Mubarak supporters(or paid thugs) riding into the middle of the square on horses and camels with knives(stuck in the Middle Ages, perhaps?) and trying to bust up the massive crowd. Even foreign reporters were being attacked by those accusing them of not telling the truth about the situation. Tahrir Square(literally translated as 'liberty square') looked to be escalating its levels of violence with every three minute clip I watched. Some groups who were neither pro-Mubarak nor Anti-Mubarak were angered that the protests were debilitating the normal business of life in Cairo. Shops were still closed. Windows boarded up. Then the footage I was watching on youtube came to a particularly weird sight; a still shot of the front of a KFC restaurant. It too, was closed down. I imagine the ones who were in open revolt, who were being shot and beaten were demanding more than just the unabashed pleasures of the prolifieration of American Fast Food Corporations.
God willing.

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